Monday, August 24, 2009

Flex and Flash Integration

I had come across a few quick and sweet Flex and Flash integration tutorials done by Adobe evangelist Serge Jespers . It covers how to build a component in CS4 and use it in Flex. It also covers create a swc in Flex and use in CS4.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

a couple blog posts about wave

Here are a couple blog posts from gtug campout members.

Peter Huboi gave a few ideas on how wave can be used for music industry.

Paul Böhm talks about what wave is. The important point, as he points out, is that wave's potential goes wells beyond the current wave UI. Evaluating wave based on current UI is selling short of its potential.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The GTUG campout hackathon was so fun.

It was such fun, I had a blast. Details later.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

google-wave-api group activity level is up

Right after wave is announced, I remember google-wave-api having more than 100 emails a day. After a while, the email volumn went way down, presumably because people who receive wave sandbox account have moved the discussion to Since last week, I have noticed that the volumn is up again. This is a good sign. This may be due to arrival of new sandbox accounts. Or it may be the due to shutdown of

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wave AppStore?

How many of you out there would like to see Google creating a wave appstore (or wave marketplace, whatever the name is)? If so, please leave a comment here.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

This week should be called Google Wave Week in Silicon Valley

Well, it was not really an official thing, but there are enough exciting Wave events in Silicon Valley to make every wave enthusiasts abuzz with the nice tinkling feeling. :)

1. First of all, Bay Area Wave Meetup
time: Monday, 2009/08/03
organizer/contact: Lawrence Wong

Topic: Presentation by Jochen Bekmann on wave federation. Jochen is a part of Sydney's Google Wave team.

2. Google Technology User Group on Wave
Time: Wednesday, 2009/08/05
organizer/contact: Van Riper

Topic: wave extensions

3. Then the crown jewel: 3 day GTUG (Google Technology User Group) campout
Time: Friday, 2009/08/07-2009/08/09 Organizer/contact: Van Riper

This is a 3 day hackathon focus on wave or other Google technology.


Wave on Palm Pre

I was playing with my friend's Palm Pre and thought I will try to see if wave website works on Pre. and viola! It works.

Pre loads the standard desktop browser wave website. When I login, I saw the standard 3 columns layout, same as the layout seen on desktop browser. When I login using iPhone's browser, it only shows the inbox column (clicking on it will show the message column).

Here is the screenshot.