Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Appengine jar files problem (appengine, java, eclipse)

After importing an appengine project into eclipse from git, you may run into some appengine jar problem.  some appengine jar files may not be included yet.

disable and re-enable "Use Google App Engine" (in project->properties).
This should re-add the jar files.

Friday, December 4, 2015

where to download objectify jar

Download it from maven central repository.

You may also need to include its dependency libraries, guava.

Obviously, we can directly include it by adding it to maven pom, but some projects may not run maven.  so we still need the jar file.

Objectify jar used to be available from google code (, but google code has closed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Put google appengine eclipse project on git

There are some sample .gitignore for eclipse project out there.  However, if you are doing a google appengine eclipse project, don't use those .gitignore.  The easiest thing is to include .classpath, .settings/, and .project in git for the appengine eclipse.   That way, when you import project, it will still work.  

However, your version of appengine jars may be different.  So you may want to change the jar files in war/WEB-INF/lib/