Thursday, August 5, 2010

Installing AIR SDK onto Flex SDK (Mac)

Here is a good instructions for installing AIR SDK onto your flex builder's Flex SDK for Mac.  (by Radley Marx)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wow! Android Prediction Update - My Prediction Comes True!

Wow, wow, wow!  My prediction about Android selling more phones than iPhone has come true, much sooner than I predicted.  I am wrong in how soon this will occur.  It happened this quarter already!  

According to Nielsen, 
"In terms of subscriptions over the past month, Android has surpassed iPhone in new users, with 27 percent of smartphone subscribers going with Android compared to the iPhone’s 23 percent. "

Solution to "Problem using as3corelib and HTTService"

I encountered this error message in one of my AIR projects.

VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of concurrency in mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService.

It looks like the same error as the one described in:

Steps to reproduce:
This occurs after I download as3corelib.swc 0.93 and put in my Flex project's libs folder.  Inside my app, there is an mx:HttpService.
It looks like some sdk incompatibility.

Instead of putting downloaded as3corelib.swc into libs folder.  Copy and paste as3corelib source code into your own project.  You can download the source code by using svn from

For example, I only use JSON library.  So I just need to copy com.adobe.serialization.json folder to my project.

Android Prediction Update - AdMob predicts more Android than iPhone by end of this year

Admob's prediction is a lot more aggressive than my prediction.  They predict more Android users than iPhone users by end of 2010.

Android Prediction Update - rumor, Verizon to have iPhone next year

When I made a prediction, I did put in a condition.  If Apple do let other carriers to carry iPhone, it may change my prediction.

Android Prediction Update - 1.7m iPhone4 in 3 days, 3m iPhone4 in 3 weeks

Although news said that 1.7m iPhone4 sold in 3 days and 3m iPhone4 sold in 3 weeks, I still believe Android will eventually be able to outsell iPhone within a year, unless iPhone is open to other carriers.